We are proud to announce that we are co-signatories for the “Redesigning healthcare with women in mind” open letter launched at the World Annual Meeting in Davos.
Led by Femtechnology Summit and Kearney, the open letter is a call to action to address the many disadvantages women face in today’s global healthcare system, leaving them chronically misunderstood, mistreated, and misdiagnosed.
At BII, we play an active role in changing this. Through our programs, we have enhanced our focus on women’s and reproductive health and will continue supporting start-ups and translational projects within this space.
These areas have high unmet needs and vast commercial potential, which is supported by The World Economic Forum’s Insights Report on Closing the Women’s Health Gap, which projects that “investments addressing the women’s health gap could potentially boost the global economy by $1 trillion annually by 2040.”💸
Most importantly, it would help women live healthier lives.