On September 12, Dr. Pedro de Noronha Pissarra, CEO of Chrysea Labs will visit BioInnovation Institute at the popular event series ‘Talks at the Square’ to give a talk on “My life Outside the Comfort Zone: Reflections on an entrepreneurial journey in biotech start-ups”.
At the talk, you will hear about Dr. Pedro de Noronha Pissarra’s amazing journey as a serial entrepreneur, from founding the first biopharmaceutical company in Portugal in 1996 to spearheading sales of several companies in 2018 and 2019, where he was CEO.
Pedro is currently the CEO of Chrysea Labs (Ireland) and interim CEO of Biotecnol Limited (UK), sold to Chiome Biosciences Inc (Japan), in 2019. Pedro is a highly networked and seasoned business executive and entrepreneur and obtained both his BSc and PhD in Biotechnology from Kings College London (University of London). He carried out research at several institutions, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), USA and at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Following his Doctoral degree he specialised in medical sciences and oncology. After a Postdoctoral he undertook a 12 month Masters Degree in Management at the University of Texas, Austin, USA.
Program of the day:
13:30 – 14:00 Doors open
14:00 – 14:05 Welcome by Jens Nielsen, CEO BII
14:05 – 14:35 Pedro de Noronha Pissarra – My life Outside the Comfort Zone: Reflections on an
entrepreneurial journey in biotech start-ups
14:35 – 14:45 Fireside chat with Pedro and Jens
14:45 – 15:00 Q&A
15:00 – 15:45 Networking and closing reception
Please note, the event has free admittance with 100 tickets available. Please sign up quickly to secure your seat.
About Pedro de Noronha Pissarra
In 1996, Pedro founded Biotecnol SA, the first biopharmaceutical company in Portugal and was a Board Member of Vida Rhein NV dedicated to the development Hepatitis B vaccines and other biosimilar products. He was also the Founder and CEO of Rodon Biologics, a well-established biologics CDMO company, sold to the Iberfar Group in 2018.
He founded the Portuguese Bio-industries Association and got it incorporated into EuropaBio – European Bioindustries Association. He was a member of the Policy & Operations Council and Coordination Council, the Emerging Enterprises Sub-Board and the Biosimilar Products Task-Force of EuropaBio, Brussels. Pedro was also an advisory member of the European Biotechnology and Finance Forum, promoted by the European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (EASDAQ). He was a member of the Superior Counsel for Science, Technology and Innovation, advising the Minister of Science and Technology of the Portuguese Government.
Pedro has received various awards, amongst others the Cap Gemini-Ernst & Young Innovation award; Business Case study at Clarckson University NY (USA), INSEAD (F), Auckland University (NZ), U Nova (Portugal), Entrepreneurial and Innovation Distinction award awarded by Nature; EU award for Bioentrepreneuship, Pedro has been awarded the Medal of Merit in recognition for his role in promoting entrepreneurship and for services provided to the Oeiras region in Portugal.