Join the mini-symposium, August 30th, 2019, about “Precision CRISPR: Applications, Standardization and Reproducibility of Genome Editing”
Nuclease based genome editing technologies are revolutionizing academia, life science and are expected to found the basis for next generation gene therapies. The annual mini-symposium, which is organized by IDA Biotechnology, Danish Biotechnological Society, Copenhagen Center for Glycomics and hosted by BioInnovation Institute, will focus on precision genome editing applications, standardization, reproducibility, ethical and IP aspects of genome editing.
The program includes the following speakers:
Samantha Maragh, NIST/USA
Roberto Nitsch, AstraZeneca/Se
Casey Jowdy, MilliporeSigma/USA
Kevin Holden, Synthego, USA
Marcello Maresca, AstraZeneca/Se
Jason Potter, ThermoFisher/USA
Willhem van Loon, Tecan/Ch
Eric P. Bennett, KU/DK
Helle Friis Svenstrup, AWA patent/DK
Program of the day:
9.00-9:10 Wellcome and opening remarks /Eric P. Bennett
9.10-10:00 Samantha Maragh, NIST/USA “NIST Genome Editing Program: Measurements and Standards to Support Confidence in Genome Editing”
10:00-10.40 Roberto Nitsch, AstraZeneca/Se “Safety considerations for delivering medicines by therapeutic genome editing”
10.40-11.10 Coffee break
11.10-11:40 Casey Jowdy, MilliporeSigma/USA ” Advanced Screening Tools: From Whole Genome to Single Cell Applications”
11:40-12:10 Kevin Holden, Synthego/USA ”Enhancing the efficiency of CRISPR-based cell engineering at scale”
12.10-13.10 Lunch 13.10-14:00 Marcello Maresca, AstraZeneca/Se “In vivo genome and base editing with no detectable off-target mutations”
14:00-14:30 Jason Potter, ThermoFisher/USA “Advances in Gene Editing”
14:30-15:00 Willhem van Loon, Tecan/Ch “How can Automation help to leverage your CRISPR workflow?”
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:00 Eric Paul Bennett, KU, DK ”Design, Delivery & Detection, the 3D’s of optimized CRISPR editing”
16:00-16:30 Helle Friis Svenstrup, AWA patent/DK “The CRISPR Battle and Patent Landscape”
16.30 Closing remarks & wine reception
Please reserve your seat quickly as there are 125 seats available for the event.
Registration is free and is required for participation.
Time: August 30 from 9.00-16.30.
Venue: BioInnovation Institute, Ole Maaløes vej 3, 3rd floor, 2200 Copenhagen N (Google Maps).
Eric P. Bennett [email protected]
Morten Frödin [email protected]
Hans H. Wandall [email protected]