Do you want to learn more about going from science to industry? BioInnovation Institute is inviting entrepreneurial researchers and anyone with a good idea in life science to present their early-stage project or start-up in one to one sessions.
Our program team members Monika Luniewska Jensen and Christian Brix Tillegreen are ready to meet you and help you understand which of the three BII programs BII Proof of Concept, BII Business Acceleration Academy or BII Creation House is suitable for you.
With the programs, BII offers a global network in life science, business development, mentors and experts, funding of up to DKK 10M, labs, offices and much more.
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Place: BioInnovation Institute, Ole Maløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
Time: 9.30 – 16.00
Book a 30-minutes meeting, track 1
Book a 30-minutes meeting, track 2
Right now, we have an open call for the Business Acceleration Academy. Deadline for applications is March 19, 2019.