Sweet Bliss - BioInnovation Institute


Sweet Bliss

About the Bio Studio program

Ali Fallah-Araghi
Entrepreneur in Residence

"Ali obtained his Ph.D. in Biotechnology from the University of Strasbourg, where he worked in Andrew Griffiths’ lab developing screening applications for droplet-based microfluidics. For more than ten years, he held diverse roles at Novozymes, such as Science Manager, Department Manager, Scouting for Innovative Technologies, and Technical Service Manager. Recently, he was the Director of Protein Engineering at ..."

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Morten Sommer
Principal Investigator

"Morten Sommer is a Professor, Group Leader, and Scientific Director at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Throughout his career, he received numerous awards for his outstanding research efforts and was involved in several spin-out companies, such as Biosyntia, SNIPR Biome, Union Therapeutics, and Utility Therapeutics."

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About the Bio Studio program

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    Pages: 1234